Traditional And Natural Cancer Treatment Options

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 16, 2011

Although there is a whole gamut of cancer treatment options, which is best to use depends on the type and stage of cancer that the cancer has reached. Although the prevailing trend is to resort to more traditional options of cancer treatment, cancer patients are not limited to them. There are a number of alternative and natural possibilities (some new, some old) for the treatment of cancer.

Traditional cancer treatment options

Traditional cancer treatment options are often called cut, poison and burn (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation ).


Chemotherapy, which involves the use of chemicals or drugs to destroy cancer cells, is the core treatment of malignancies. These drugs work by targeting fast-growing cells and the type and combination of drugs depends on the type of cancer. Although chemotherapy has been proven to be effective, it can lead to a number of side effects, including hair loss, fatigue, diarrhea, loss of appetite, anemia or low red blood cell count, neutropenia or low white blood cell counts, mouth sores, and shortness of breath.


Radiation therapy involves the use of high-energy radiation from various sources, including x-rays, gamma rays, protons and neutrons to shrink tumors and kill cancerous cells. It is used almost half of all cancer patients, either alone or in combination with other cancer treatments. External-beam radiation therapy, which involves the use of radiation emitted from a machine outside the body is more common than internal radiation therapy in which radioactive material is implanted into the body near the tumor or cancer.


Surgery often involves a biopsy, which was done for diagnostic purposes. Surgery is done to remove the cancer tissue is often followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which reduces the risk of cancer recurring and to destroy any cancer cells that can be left in the affected body part.

type of surgery depends on which part of the body is affected by cancer, as well as the extent of cancer. In patients with breast cancer may include the option lumpectomy, where only the lump is removed. Segmentectomy, in which part of the breast is removed or mastectomy, in which the entire breast is removed

alternative cancer treatment options

Traditional cancer treatment options form only art priče.Sve many health professionals are now investigating alternative cancer treatment options that encompass the whole individual.

Nutrition therapy

Maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes foods rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene, is the best way to provide your body with food needs in the fight against cancer. Proper nutrition helps reduce nausea and fatigue are the main side effects of traditional cancer treatment, a critical component in the healing process.

Buah Merah or red fruit, primarily located in the Indonesian island of Papua, has a very high level of anti-oxidants, beta-carotene and tocopherol and offers hope to all cancer patients. Beta-carotene and tocopherol have strong anti-cancer properties and help you by boosting the immune system and slowing the growth of cancer cells. Buah Merah also contains Omega 3 and Omega 9, and linolenat, oleate, and decanoate linoleates acid, all of which act as active compounds of medicinal and help prevent diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, hepatitis and HIV / AIDS -a.


Naturopathy is a system of healing that focuses exclusively on the use of the healing powers of nature, such as sunlight, water and air. This is supplemented with therapies such as massage, and a healthy diet. Naturopathy is a holistic type of treatment and includes homeopathy, Ayurveda, therapeutic nutrition, botanical medicine and hydrotherapy. It is based on the belief that the body self-healing, and it will regenerate and repair itself spontaneously if given a healthy, contributing to the environment.


Although, to some extent medication can be used to manage pain, acupuncture is gaining popularity as a means to control the pain experienced by cancer bolnicima.Bol can be brought on by the cancer itself or as a side effect of cancer treatment. The prevalence and severity of pain depends on the threshold extent, location and type of cancer, as well as the pain people affected by cancer.

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Udaypal said...

i am finding really nice information regarding Breast cancer treatment. Breast cancer is now so common and thats why we have to face so many problemsS.i really like your blogs and its very interesting to me. Thanks for sharing it.

Breast cancer treatment

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