Easy Cancer Cure

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More than 20 years has been much controversy due to the fact that several world-renowned scientist, said that when certain raw fruit seeds are consumed in sufficient quantities, it is almost impossible to develop cancer and that the action will just kill most of the existing cancer cells! One would think that the entire medical industry would be thrilled with such information, but instead, the pharmaceutical industry now require FDA to implement a comprehensive study, to be able to prevent information from getting to the general javnost.Informacije from these studies can be found in the book under entitled "World without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17", Dr. E. Edward Griffin. (I will be discussing are in the book in future posts .)

Vitamin B17, also known as laetrile and amygdalin, is commonly found in fruit seeds, however, it was discovered that apricot seeds the highest concentration of this amazing vitamin. There was even a scientifically established that when someone eats only 7 of these seeds every day, it's almost impossible for the body to develop cancer? This finding was almost exactly parallel to 17th century, the discovery that if someone eats citrus fruits daily, they never develop scurvy. (eg lack of vitamin !)

pharmaceutical and medical industry, and even went so far as to pressure the FDA to make the illegal sale of raw apricot seeds or vitamin B17 with any information about his miraculous healing effect on cancer! Even to this day, you can not buy raw apricot seeds in health food stores, because the FDA attacks on stores of years! But at least now you can order them by the pound via e-mail.

This key information is offered not only as a cancer cure for those who have developed the disease, but also for those who want to prevent cancer development ever in my life!

Most people with cancer clusters in their body after eating apricot seeds on a regular basis, show an almost complete regression of their tumors. After this regression occurs, it is necessary to cancer patients for follow-up with powerful natural herbal formula to regenerate damaged organs of their cancer.

In cases of large cancerous growths in large parts of the body, raw apricot seeds and the concentrated extract (in the form of vitamin B17 and laetrile) may not be able to save the patient, but will prolong your life many times to chemotherapy.

Vitamin B17 is found in most fruit seeds in different stages koncentracije.Sljedeći chart adopted by Rebecca Wood article "Apricot Kernel - Bitter Sweet's" will help you weigh in relation to vitamin B17 potency of various fruit seeds that have become available


nuts and seeds, fruits GRAINS Beans
wild apricot
Bitter Almond

apricot pit of wild blackberries
Wild Cranberry Almond
Apple PIP elder
cherry seed
nectarine seed
pear PIP
plum seed

blackberry flax seed buckwheat chickpea
Cranberry Squash seed millet Fava
boysenberry sheet
currant mung
Logan berry

Note that, although the small seeds of wild apples (crab apples) and wild cherries are superior sources of vitamin B17, larger seeds can be found in today's grocery market apricots, apples and cherries are less powerful. This is because, over time, farmers consistently bred out of a bitter taste to accommodate the "sweet" the tendency of the Western palate.

of apricot seeds the highest concentration of vitamin B17 in the world, I am thoroughly convinced, that despite their bitter taste, they must be integrated into our daily diet equivalent to approximately 7 SEEDS OF A DAY as prescribed, etc., Krebs scientist who discovered vitamin B17 over 20 years!. If you do not have access to the raw seeds, one or two of vitamin B-17 tablets (100 mg) is an acceptable supplemental dose as an alternative.

there is no mystery about the development of cancer medicine as we have been so shamelessly led to believe for all of our lives. We have known how to cure cancer for more than 20 years, but greed is the pharmaceutical industry deliberately keep information from getting to the masses! ... That is, our good health is definitely not in their best interest ... because so much more money in death and disease!

I think it is time for all of us to take control over their own health rather than depend on the medical and pharmaceutical industry, which obviously do not have our best interests at heart!
... What do you think ?....

Thanks for reading ... and ... Here's to your course, good health!

Annie Pierce

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