Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment Possibilites

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by asbestos exposure. This disease occurs when cancer cells develop the mesothelium, which is a type of lining that covers most internal organs of our tijela.Najčešći place this disease pleura is the lining of the lung and chest wall. Their occurrences are also found in the peritoneum, which is the outer lining of the abdominal cavity. Those people who have inhaled asbestos particles are much most patients mesothelioma cancer. Smoking was not related to mesothelioma cancer, but it certainly increases the risk of asbestos-induced cancer.

Some of the symptoms of mesothelioma cancer
First Pain and discomfort in the chest.
Second Accumulation of fluid in the cavity around the lungs.
Third Breath gets shortened
4th Anemia.
5th Cough associated with difficulty breathing, and in some cases, the hoarseness.

There are several other symptoms of this cancer and mesothelioma affects different parts of the body and so the symptoms are different in different cases. In some parts of the body of patients also develop a tumor mass due to illness, which affects the body is very weak. In some severe cases of mesothelioma patients can also suffer from jaundice, low blood sugar, blood clots in the veins, arteries and lungs.

Diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer is very difficult because the symptoms are very common for other diseases. General patient history helps a lot in finding the disease and for this purpose, scanning of the chest and lung functional test id performed to check the lungs and thoracic air koša.Ispit chest reveals an internal report of a patient if the patient has been exposed to asbestos or not. For various organs of different tests are performed to identify diseases such as cancer epithelium can be found in any organ in the human body.

Mesothelioma cancer is a very rare cancer and can be treated in different ways, some of the treatments are listed below:

surgery - Surgery in these cancers are not very useful in many cases it failed. But still, if surgery is combined with chemotherapy and radiation, it is quite uspješna.Prsa covering can be removed with surgery, but the lung lining is very difficult to remove.

of radiation - radiation therapy for those patients who can tolerate radiation therapy and some of the main reasons for the success of radiation therapy that has cured many patients and prolong their lives for more than five years. Radiation mixed with chemotherapy is more beneficial than lone radiation. Many doctors and hospitals using radiation and chemotherapy to treat patients who suffer from mesothelioma cancer.

Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is the only known treatment that has shown great results in mesothelioma cancer and has shown significant signs of recovery in patients. Different patients who have undergone chemotherapy treatment showed a good recovery, and their life gets increased by more than a year. Chemotherapy has so far only treatment that can cure mesothelioma patients temporarily.

Immunotherapy - this is a therapy where the patient's immune system is supplied with some increases, so that they can prevent cancer. This treatment has shown some positive aspects about treatment, but the practice of immunology is suspended as patients suffering from severe side effects due to this treatment.

Many people have died due to this disease and many are still suffering from these cancers. Researchers are still trying to find a permanent cure for this cancer .. Mesothelioma cancer is very rare, but still very dangerous and there is no permanent cure for this disease. Some of the developed countries like the U.S. is constantly trying to find a permanent cure, but it seems a little hard work for the doctor to find a permanent cure. But still mesothelioma cancer patients can live a little longer than the available treatments. Please check with your doctor the best course of action in each case.

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Breast Cancer Treatment Center

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 20, 2011

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Breast cancer can be treated effectively if detected early enough. About 95 percent of breast cancers are discovered when the patient notices a lump itself. In all cases, too much findings bring good luck and lump it can be very velik.Dobra news, although most of the spa towns of breast cancer.

cure for breast cancer can be greatly enhanced if all the women made ​​a routine monthly self-exam, and then consult a doctor immediately if you find the least indication of a thickening or lump. Most of these lumps are benign, but most important is that those that are malignant to be identified without delay. Almost every town has a cancer treatment center to provide patients with services for a full diagnosis and various treatment options for their breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in American women. One woman in 8 will develop this uvjet.American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute recommends that all women follow the prescribed manner, self-examination after the period, and continue each month after menopause.

The procedure consists of carefully looking at and feeling your breasts, and it only takes a few minutes. However, most cancers are diagnosed only after they had begun to cause symptoms, and diagnostic methods used in most biopsies.

Currently, the American Cancer Society recommends mammography-planning x-ray that detects breast cancers too small to be felt (less than 1cm)-every 2 years for women between 40 and 49 years, and annually thereafter.

will give patients the information or facts about the handling of breast cancer. They have support programs and services that will help patients and their families in managing and coping with their cancer experience. Treatment options such as chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy with appropriate drugs, including a healthy diet for patients, as well as the mind, body and spirit development.

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Prostate Cancer Treatment For Those With Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Being diagnosed with prostate cancer for the first time will more than likely be traumatic for you and your loved ones, because they are diagnosed with recurrent prostate cancer can be devastating. Your doctor will prescribe a prostate cancer treatment plan that is designed to help you beat this disease. For those who have recurrent prostate cancer, there are many prostate cancer treatment that your doctor May we advise you to try.


One of prostate cancer treatment option is radiation therapy. This treatment of prostate cancer involves the application of radiation from high energy protons, neutrons, gamma rays and x-rays and other sources to kill cancerous cells and to shrink any existing tumors. There are two ways that radiation can be used as a prostate cancer liječenje.Prvi from a machine located outside your body called external beam radiation therapy, or May you have the material means radioactive material that goes inside your body near where the cancer there. This is called internal radiation.

hormone therapy

Another treatment for prostate cancer, your doctor may employ is hormone therapy. This prostate cancer treatment will remove, block or add hormones. When suffering from recurrent prostate cancer, hormone therapy may help prevent cancer growth. It is also used as a cancer treatment for breast cancer, as well.


If you do not respond to conventional treatments for prostate cancer, your doctor May we suggest that you have a prostatectomy. This is an operation that will remove some or all of the prostate. When you have a radical prostatectomy, or total, the surgical team will remove the entire prostate and surrounding tissue.


Chemotherapy is a common treatment for prostate cancer, as well as treatment for a variety of other cancers. Chemotherapy can come with many side effects and if this rate of prostate cancer treatment your doctor recommends, you will learn about the possible side effects May suffer from this treatment option. There May be other prostate cancer treatment than those mentioned above that your doctor will discuss the length of the room.

More aboutProstate Cancer Treatment For Those With Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Traditional And Natural Cancer Treatment Options

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 16, 2011

Although there is a whole gamut of cancer treatment options, which is best to use depends on the type and stage of cancer that the cancer has reached. Although the prevailing trend is to resort to more traditional options of cancer treatment, cancer patients are not limited to them. There are a number of alternative and natural possibilities (some new, some old) for the treatment of cancer.

Traditional cancer treatment options

Traditional cancer treatment options are often called cut, poison and burn (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation ).


Chemotherapy, which involves the use of chemicals or drugs to destroy cancer cells, is the core treatment of malignancies. These drugs work by targeting fast-growing cells and the type and combination of drugs depends on the type of cancer. Although chemotherapy has been proven to be effective, it can lead to a number of side effects, including hair loss, fatigue, diarrhea, loss of appetite, anemia or low red blood cell count, neutropenia or low white blood cell counts, mouth sores, and shortness of breath.


Radiation therapy involves the use of high-energy radiation from various sources, including x-rays, gamma rays, protons and neutrons to shrink tumors and kill cancerous cells. It is used almost half of all cancer patients, either alone or in combination with other cancer treatments. External-beam radiation therapy, which involves the use of radiation emitted from a machine outside the body is more common than internal radiation therapy in which radioactive material is implanted into the body near the tumor or cancer.


Surgery often involves a biopsy, which was done for diagnostic purposes. Surgery is done to remove the cancer tissue is often followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which reduces the risk of cancer recurring and to destroy any cancer cells that can be left in the affected body part.

type of surgery depends on which part of the body is affected by cancer, as well as the extent of cancer. In patients with breast cancer may include the option lumpectomy, where only the lump is removed. Segmentectomy, in which part of the breast is removed or mastectomy, in which the entire breast is removed

alternative cancer treatment options

Traditional cancer treatment options form only art priče.Sve many health professionals are now investigating alternative cancer treatment options that encompass the whole individual.

Nutrition therapy

Maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes foods rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene, is the best way to provide your body with food needs in the fight against cancer. Proper nutrition helps reduce nausea and fatigue are the main side effects of traditional cancer treatment, a critical component in the healing process.

Buah Merah or red fruit, primarily located in the Indonesian island of Papua, has a very high level of anti-oxidants, beta-carotene and tocopherol and offers hope to all cancer patients. Beta-carotene and tocopherol have strong anti-cancer properties and help you by boosting the immune system and slowing the growth of cancer cells. Buah Merah also contains Omega 3 and Omega 9, and linolenat, oleate, and decanoate linoleates acid, all of which act as active compounds of medicinal and help prevent diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, hepatitis and HIV / AIDS -a.


Naturopathy is a system of healing that focuses exclusively on the use of the healing powers of nature, such as sunlight, water and air. This is supplemented with therapies such as massage, and a healthy diet. Naturopathy is a holistic type of treatment and includes homeopathy, Ayurveda, therapeutic nutrition, botanical medicine and hydrotherapy. It is based on the belief that the body self-healing, and it will regenerate and repair itself spontaneously if given a healthy, contributing to the environment.


Although, to some extent medication can be used to manage pain, acupuncture is gaining popularity as a means to control the pain experienced by cancer bolnicima.Bol can be brought on by the cancer itself or as a side effect of cancer treatment. The prevalence and severity of pain depends on the threshold extent, location and type of cancer, as well as the pain people affected by cancer.

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Fertility Concerns After Breast Cancer Treatment

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Looking at these statistics, it is clear that breast cancer treatment today is to deal with not only cancer treatment and survival of these young women, but also the quality of life for these young women of childbearing age have fertility issues.

Recent studies show that most breast cancer survivors who have no children at the time of diagnosis would you have them in the future. Studies also show that survivors who already have children they would like to have more. However, many report that they have not received adequate information about their future fertility and how to conserve the time of their diagnosis of cancer and when making decisions about their treatment.

Before we discuss how to preserve fertility in these survivors of breast cancer, we must learn about the effects of the treatment of breast cancer have on fertility.

drug operation targeting rapidly dividing cells. These rapidly dividing cells include not only cancer cells but also normal cells such as those in the sperm, eggs and / or cells that produce hormones that are important in reproduction. Frequently, the chemotherapy drugs made ​​by the patient with breast cancer or leave them infertile with reduced total ovarian reserve (egg drop, which can be played ).

radiation used in treating breast cancer is also the goal of rapidly dividing cells, but is usually confined to the tissue surrounding the breast. This means that the radiation used to treat breast cancer usually does not affect the ovaries, which is located in the pelvis. However, for those young women who receive radiation therapy in abdominal / pelvic region, other types of cancer can damage the uterus and ovaries.

Males who are receiving radiation for cancer in these regions can suffer damage to their testicles causes infertility. Radiation in certain parts of the brain can also result in infertility, which affects the cells that regulate the production of hormones that is necessary for reproduction.

surgery to remove the reproductive organs can obviously provide a person infertile.

However, there are options for preserving fertility in these pacijente.Izvedivosti, safety and suitability of different types of fertility preservations options depend on patient age, cancer type and treatment and whether or not the patient has a significant other.

Other factors that are important in preserving fertility also include the costs of the proceedings, the availability and success rate of the procedure or process. Therefore, you should talk to your doctor about what suits you best. It is very fertility preservation people and should be individualized to ensure the best results.

As we discussed breast cancer survivors and their fertility, we will limit our discussion to those methods that are suitable for women.

Embryo freezing is the way in which mature eggs are collected from the patient and fertilized in vitro (eggs and sperm are combined in a laboratory dish and can fertilize). This requires a sperm donor or partner. This embryo is then frozen for future use. In order to facilitate picking the most viable eggs, the patient is usually given hormones to stimulate her ovaries to produce multiple eggs.

These eggs are then collected using a needle that is guided by the ovaries by ultrasound or laparoscopic surgery. Embryo freezing is one of the most successful techniques available and safer for patients with hormone-sensitive breast cancers. Egg or egg freezing involves the collection of mature eggs and freeze them without fertilization. This may be good for women who have partners or not to use donor sperm at the time of freezing. The success rate of this procedure varies.

Ovarian tissue freezing involves the surgical removal of ovarian tissue, cutting it into small pieces and freeze them for later. This tissue, when a person is ready, then transplanted back into the woman's body. This is experimental and the success rate varies.

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue therapy involves the treatment of women with GnRH analogues during chemotherapy, which theoretically makes the female body that I think is before puberty. This reduces the damage to her reproductive tissues and help preserve fertility. It is shown to be very promising.

So, what happens when one of these techniques are used to preserve fertility and survivor is pregnant? Let's look at some information about possible risks to the fetus and children conceived this way.

Current research indicates that children of cancer survivors are not more likely to have defects in chromosome abnormalities, although data is limited. In addition, these children have a higher rate of cancer development.

Many of these fertility preservation techniques are relatively new. Thus, there is not much data. However, data available show little evidence that there is an increased risk of birth defects, developmental problems in these children. However, these survivors are at increased risk of multiple births (eg twins, triples, etc. ... ).

There is also an increased risk of premature babies, low birth weight, miscarriage and infant death, even when only one fetus was conceived using this technique. In addition, pregnancy may worsen organ damage caused by cancer treatment. Some treatments for breast cancer especially in the chest radiation and / or chemotherapy can damage the cardiovascular structures.

the requirements of these structures during pregnancy can be significant, especially if they are not healthy because of damage suffered during cancer treatment. Thus, all breast cancer survivors who become pregnant are at increased risk for pregnancy related complications and should be cared for by experts who can monitor and treat any complications that may arise.

Most cancer survivors worry about whether pregnancy after breast cancer increases the likelihood of cancer returning and / or decreased survival if the repetition does not occur. The data is limited, and there is much controversy regarding pregnancy in survivors of breast cancer. However, current studies show that their risk of recurrence does not increase and that their survival rate does not decrease with pregnancy. In addition, the data suggest that these fertility preservation options do not diminish the success of cancer treatment.

However, keep in mind that the data are limited, and whether or not you should or should not have children after breast cancer treatment should be decided after careful counseling by doctors and fertility specialists as these decisions can affect the your type of cancer and type of treatment you receive.

the optimal time to get pregnant after breast cancer treatment, it is not clear.

Most studies suggest waiting 2-5 years after treatment to make sure that your treatment was successful and your chances of recurrence is low during pregnancy. Again, preparation is key. Know your facts about their risks of getting pregnant. Do not put yourself and your child is at risk if the pregnancy is not right for you.

More aboutFertility Concerns After Breast Cancer Treatment

Cancer - Treatment

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cancer is a class of animal disease, medically known as malignant neoplasms, in which a set of cells showed unrestrained growth of the division, or outside normal limits, intrusion and damage to tissues next to them and beyond (via the blood or lymph) to other places. This disease is not limited to just homosapiens, but it can affect even animals.
Apparently, 7.6 million people died of cancer in the previous year.

In most cases, cancer was identified due to symptoms and diagnosis is usually confirmed by a pathologist, who is the type of doctor who specializes in diagnosing cancer. Suspected people usually examines the medical tests such as blood test, X-rays, CT scans and endoscopy.

There are various methods for treating cancer, such as surgery, immunotherapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and various other metode.Vrsta method employed depends on the patient's general health and place and stage of tumor spread.
Complete surgical excision is possible in very few cases of cancer tissue commonly metastasizes to other places in the body of the patient before surgery. Masectomy the surgical treatment is used to treat breast cancer and prostate cancer, prostatectomy koristi.Cilj the implementation of the operation is to remove the tumor or if it takes all the affected organ, which, however, unfortunately, limited to a very small number of cancer cases are small.

Radiation therapy is also known as radiotherapy. Uses ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells and reduce tumors. It damages the genetic material of cells by preventing them from replicating dalje.Nedostatak this methodology of restoration is that it often damages normal cells along with the harmful ones. Although, in most cases, a normal one to recover and restart properly, it leads to permanent damage in some. It is used to treat brain cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer, prostate, uterus, stomach, pancreas, or. Even lymphoma and leukemia can be treated with radiation.

of cancer can also be treated with chemotherapy, which involves using drugs that kill rapidly dividing cells. It interferes in various ways with the division of cells and has the potential to damage healthy tissue. However, after chemotherapy and healthy cells and repair themselves. High-dose chemotherapy used to treat some lymphomas and leukemias.

Targeted therapy is another medium for a drug that uses certain substances that are specific to cancer cells, "deregulated proteins. It also includes peptides that bind to receptors on the surface of cells around the tumor.

Some tumor growth can be checked by either injection or obstructing certain hormones. Some hormone-sensitive breast cancer and prostate cancer. Removal of estrogen or testosterone is also often used as an adjunct treatment.

control the symptoms of cancer is not a stereotypical form of treatment aimed at cancer, but also determines the standard of life of cancer victims, and plays a key role in deciding whether a person will be able to take other treatments.

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Alternative Cancer Treatment

Posted by writer

Prevention as an alternative cancer treatment

Since there is no evidence of non-treatment for most types of cancer (except detected at a very early stage), the best thing you can do is take preventative measures. In this sense, prevention can be called an alternative cancer treatment methodologies. So, what is the alternative cancer treatment methodologies suggest.

physical fitness as an alternative cancer treatment (prevention) methodology

Obesity is said to increase the risk of cancer. Thus, exercise or adequate physical activity may act as an alternative treatment of cancer (prevention) methodology. Just check out some time from your schedule for daily vježbanje.Broj people think that exercise is a synonym for high school. However, it is not the case. This alternative treatment of cancer (prevention) methodology do not you go to the gym. You can only participate in simple activities like playing tennis or speed walking, etc.

Diet control is an effective alternative cancer treatment (prevention) methodology

Your diet should consist of all essential nutrients in proper proportion. This will not only act as an alternative cancer treatment (prevention), and methodologies to help you maintain healthy as such (ie avoiding other diseases / problems too). As an alternative cancer treatment (prevention) methodology, the control diet, which recommends reducing fat in foods include beans and soy products in your diet. It also suggests that they must refrain from smoking and limit alcoholic drinks to a minimum.

for protection from the sun as an alternative cancer treatment (prevention) technique

as we know, UV radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer. So, avoid direct sunlight can act as an alternative cancer treatment (prevention) methodology. Use suntan lotions that SPV (sun protection factor) of at least 15 is recommended as part of alternative cancer treatment (prevention) technique.

Avoiding pollution - an alternative cancer treatment (prevention) technique

Some pollutants can cause cancer. So you have to beware of chemical substances / fumes (especially if you live too close to industrial area). . Avoiding pollution is certainly an alternative cancer treatment (prevention) technique.

Go for the early detection of cancer

Everyone dreads cancer. However, early detection of cancer is really an alternative cancer treatment (prevention) technique. Most cancer screening tests are fairly easy to perform. Even self-screening is possible for some types of cancer. So, go for cancer can act as an alternative cancer treatment (prevention) technique, and thus prevent danger to life caused by cancer.

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